Rob Meade
Hi all,
I have just put together our organisations 'template' for our web
applications and have created 7 .ascx files which when dropped into my
template file work perfectly...however, I have a question...
As our team develops several applications I wanted these generic .ascx's to
be able to be used by all - therefore I've placed them in the root of the
domain we work on in a directory called /WebUserControls
I noticed that the first line of the HTML for each is as follows :
<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"
Codebehind="Application.ascx.vb" _
TargetSchema="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" %>
(please excuse the wrap around)
My understanding of the web user controls is limited, but I believe we can
benefit by these in the following areas :
shared code - no need to reproduce the common parts
cached - so that our pages load faster
In the above there is a reference to the 'WebApplication1' - which was the
name of the project I was working on (default one etc) in visual studio - is
this likely to cause a problem for using these controls? ie, their
applications - which wont be called WebApplication1 will not work with
these? If so - how do I get around this so that we can all point to the
..ascx's in the central location and not all take copies of them etc??
Any information would be appreciated - sorry if some of this doesn't make a
lot of sense - I'm not 100% clued up on .Net yet - so plenty of learning as
I go etc...
I have just put together our organisations 'template' for our web
applications and have created 7 .ascx files which when dropped into my
template file work perfectly...however, I have a question...
As our team develops several applications I wanted these generic .ascx's to
be able to be used by all - therefore I've placed them in the root of the
domain we work on in a directory called /WebUserControls
I noticed that the first line of the HTML for each is as follows :
<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"
Codebehind="Application.ascx.vb" _
TargetSchema="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" %>
(please excuse the wrap around)
My understanding of the web user controls is limited, but I believe we can
benefit by these in the following areas :
shared code - no need to reproduce the common parts
cached - so that our pages load faster
In the above there is a reference to the 'WebApplication1' - which was the
name of the project I was working on (default one etc) in visual studio - is
this likely to cause a problem for using these controls? ie, their
applications - which wont be called WebApplication1 will not work with
these? If so - how do I get around this so that we can all point to the
..ascx's in the central location and not all take copies of them etc??
Any information would be appreciated - sorry if some of this doesn't make a
lot of sense - I'm not 100% clued up on .Net yet - so plenty of learning as
I go etc...