Hi Nik,
I was going to reply to your ASCII Terminal query, but you've reposted.
Such impatience!! ;-)
|| Is this possible without a long, complicated lookup table?
Yes, lol. You use a short, uncomplicated table!
I presume that you're getting hex values, so '0'-'9', 'A'-'F' are the only
possibilities. Rather than me explaining, try the code below.
If 'a' to 'f' are possibilities, add them to the table.
Public Module AsciiToBitArrayConversion
Private CharToNibble() As Byte
Private Sub InitAsciiToBitArray
ReDim CharToNibble(256)
'These values are reversed because
'New BitArray (Byte()) reverses the bytes.
CharToNibble (Asc("0")) = &h0
CharToNibble (Asc("1")) = &h8
CharToNibble (Asc("2")) = &h4
CharToNibble (Asc("3")) = &hC
CharToNibble (Asc("4")) = &h2
CharToNibble (Asc("5")) = &hA
CharToNibble (Asc("6")) = &h6
CharToNibble (Asc("7")) = &hE
CharToNibble (Asc("8")) = &h1
CharToNibble (Asc("9")) = &h9
CharToNibble (Asc("A")) = &h5
CharToNibble (Asc("B")) = &hD
CharToNibble (Asc("C")) = &h3
CharToNibble (Asc("D")) = &hB
CharToNibble (Asc("E")) = &h7
CharToNibble (Asc("F")) = &hF
End Sub
Public Sub TestAtoB
Dim S As String = "80FF7BC30123456789ABCDEF"
Dim Bits As BitArray = AsciiToBitArray (S)
Dim I As Integer
Dim sBytes As String = ""
For I = 0 To Bits.Length - 1
If I / 4 = I \ 4 Then sBytes = sBytes & " "
If I / 8 = I \ 8 Then sBytes = sBytes & " "
sBytes = sBytes & DirectCast _
(IIF (Bits(I) = True, "1", "0"), String)
Console.WriteLine (S & vbCrLf & sBytes)
S = S & ", " & SBytes
End Sub
Public Function AsciiToBitArray (S As String) As BitArray
If CharToNibble Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim aBytes (1 + S.Length \ 2) As Byte
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To S.Length Step 2
Dim Hi As Integer = CharToNibble (Asc (Mid (S, I + 1, 1)))
Dim Lo As Integer = CharToNibble (Asc (Mid (S, I + 0, 1)))
aBytes (I \ 2) = CByte (Hi * 16 + Lo)
Return New BitArray (aBytes)
End Function
End Module