A long time ago I wrote this function in response to a similar post:
'------ start of code ------
Function fncZonedToNumber( _
          ZonedValue As Variant, _
          Optional DecimalPlaces As Integer = 0) _
      As Variant
  Dim strValue As String
  Dim strLast As String
  If IsNull(ZonedValue) Then
    fncZonedToNumber = Null
  ElseIf VarType(ZonedValue) <> vbString Then
    fncZonedToNumber = CVErr(5)   ' invalid argument
  ElseIf Len(ZonedValue) = 0 Then
    fncZonedToNumber = Null
    strLast = Right(ZonedValue, 1)
    strValue = Left(ZonedValue, Len(ZonedValue)- 1)
    If InStr(1, "0123456789", strLast, vbBinaryCompare) Then
      strValue = strValue & strLast
    ElseIf InStr(1, "ABCDEFGHI", strLast, vbBinaryCompare) Then
      strValue = strValue & Chr(Asc(strLast) - 16)
    ElseIf InStr(1, "JKLMNOPQR", strLast, vbBinaryCompare) Then
      strValue = "-" & strValue & Chr(Asc(strLast) - 25)
    ElseIf StrComp(strLast, "{", vbBinaryCompare)= 0 Then
      strValue = strValue & "0"
    ElseIf StrComp(strLast, "}", vbBinaryCompare)= 0 Then
      strValue = "-" & strValue & "0"
      fncZonedToNumber = CVErr(5)   ' invalid argument
      Exit Function
    End If
    If DecimalPlaces = 0 Then
      fncZonedToNumber = Val(strValue)
      fncZonedToNumber = Val(strValue) / (10 ^ DecimalPlaces)
    End If
  End If
End Function
'------ end  of code ------
In your case, you would pass the value 2 for the DecimalPlaces argument:
  ?fncZonedToNumber("1237B", 2)
  ?fncZonedToNumber("4567J", 2)
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
Access tips:
(please reply to the newsgroup)
I have sample values listed below in a field called AMT1.
and I need to convert these values to the true number as exampled
As an example the data below will convert a signed numeric value for a
specific field.
 Sample AMT1 = 1237B
This is amount would need to be converted as 123.72
 2nd Sample AMT = 4567J
This is amount would need to be converted as 456.71- or (456.71)
I have a chart of the ascii character to the number value.
What would be the easiest way to convert these values?
Thanks for your help!!!!