ASCII Character code for the 6th power

  • Thread starter Thread starter simchajoy2000
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I know what the ASCII Character Codes are for the 2nd and 3rd powers in
VB.NET but I can't find the 6th power anywhere - does anyone know what
it might be or if it even exists?

The ASCII character set doesn't contain any characters for 2nd and 3rd
powers. What character set are you using?

If you mean ANSI, it has no character for the 6th power.

Many cultures have their own code tables for what sometimes is called
Extended ASCII and for Windows code pages.

There are less tables for Windows just because it is using more bits.
Cultures with languages based on Western Europe ones use almost forever

Have a look at these pages for that.

Try in general to avoid code pages who are based the extended ASCII code. By
instance in my country people are mixed up using 850 and 437 without that
they know that. You understand that with that you are already soon in


OS systems

I hope this helps a little bit?

That is not the ASCII character set. As has already been pointed out,
ASCII is a 7 bit character set that contains characters with character
codes from 0 to 127.

There is an 8 bit extended ASCII character set that is used by DOS, but
that's not it either.

As stated in the title, it's the ISO 8859-1 character set, e.g. Latin-1.
The professor is a bit confused. ASCII character codes are only used
when you are using an ASCII character set. It's interresting to see that
the character set shown is lacking the space character, though...

There is no character for the 6th power in the Latin-1 character set.
These are font characters, not ASCII (which is plain text). What font
charcter is mapped to a specific value, depends on the font designer.


Richard Grier, MVP
Hard & Software
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, Fourth
ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages, includes CD-ROM). July 2004, Revised March
See for details and contact information.

I know what the ASCII Character Codes are for the 2nd and 3rd powers in
VB.NET but I can't find the 6th power anywhere - does anyone know what
it might be or if it even exists?


So it's not ascii lol.

Dim l As New Label
l.Text = "Unicode char Superscript six: " & ChrW(&H2076)
l.Font = New Font("Arial Unicode MS", 10.0F)
l.AutoSize = True

I found the &H2076 code for the 6 on
though you can try in word: insert->character and scroll through the pages
of chars until you get the one you want.
ChrW will return the unicode char. You chould also do:
The default font used on the label control doesn't have the superscript 6,
It displayed a small square instead. So I used a unicode font...