James - that is a condition called "banding." It can be caused by clogged
jets. run a nozzle pattern check to see if they all print ok. If not, do
a cleaning routine and then check the nozzle test again. If you still
have a problem redo the light cleaning and nozzle check. If still not ok
do one heavy cleaning followed by a nozzle check. If you still have a
faulty nozzle check no use to do more cleanings per the canon software.
Go to the nifty-stuff forum, sign in, click on the FAQ link, and read the
first thread about what to do when your printer isn't printing correctly.
Banding can also be caused by a poorly feeding cartridge. Although it is
fairly rare, an OEM Canon cart can be at fault as well as an aftermarket
cart or refilled cart. I don't know how old the printer is, but the BCJ
line of printers is an older generation of the Canon line, so I would
imagine that your are far out of warranty. If you can't clear what
appears to be a clog, you may have a printhead that is starting to
malfunction. Canon printheads use a thermal system to propel the ink onto
the paper and the jets can eventually burn out.