arrays and loop question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Krzysztof via
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Krzysztof via

Good Afternoon,

I have a question i cannot seem to answer.

I have 2 arrays and a loop that perform certain functions, and when i call
this sub, i get and error message stating: "Compile Error: byRef Argument
Type Mismatch".
I am not sure what that means, but i have tried replacing the array
identifier with a variable, but whatever i do, i get the same message.

Here is a copy of the code:

Here is my function
Public Function TableExists(strTableName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

TableExists = IsObject(CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableName))

End Function

And here is the sub
Public Sub CaptureData()

Dim Tables(3, 0), Queries(3, 0) As String
Tables(0, 0) = "tbl_INVOICE"
Tables(1, 0) = "tbl_WOITEMS"
Tables(2, 0) = "tbl_WRKORDER"
Tables(3, 0) = "tbl_EMPLOYEE"
Queries(0, 0) = "mtqry_Invoice"
Queries(1, 0) = "mtqry_WOItems"
Queries(2, 0) = "mtqry_Wrkorder"
Queries(3, 0) = "mtqry_Employee"

'Create local tables
'Check to see if local table exists and if so, delete it
Me.bonus_progress.Visible = True 'activate the progress bar
Me.bonus_progress.value = 0 'reset the progress bar

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 3
If TableExists(Tables(i,0)) = True Then 'check to see if table
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, Tables(i,0) 'if so, deletes it
'do nothing
End If
DoCmd.OpenQuery Queries(i,0), acViewNormal 'rerun the query to
create new, updated table
Me.bonus_progress.value = Me.bonus_progress.value + 25
'increment the progress bar

Me.bonus_progress.Visible = False 'deactivate the progress bar

End Sub

Right after i set up the loop "Tables(i,0)" is what is highlighted.

Any ideas?
Krzysztof said:
Good Afternoon,

I have a question i cannot seem to answer.

I have 2 arrays and a loop that perform certain functions, and when i call
this sub, i get and error message stating: "Compile Error: byRef Argument
Type Mismatch".
I am not sure what that means, but i have tried replacing the array
identifier with a variable, but whatever i do, i get the same message.

Here is a copy of the code:

Here is my function
Public Function TableExists(strTableName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

TableExists = IsObject(CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableName))

End Function

And here is the sub
Public Sub CaptureData()

Dim Tables(3, 0), Queries(3, 0) As String
Tables(0, 0) = "tbl_INVOICE"
Tables(1, 0) = "tbl_WOITEMS"
Tables(2, 0) = "tbl_WRKORDER"
Tables(3, 0) = "tbl_EMPLOYEE"
Queries(0, 0) = "mtqry_Invoice"
Queries(1, 0) = "mtqry_WOItems"
Queries(2, 0) = "mtqry_Wrkorder"
Queries(3, 0) = "mtqry_Employee"

'Create local tables
'Check to see if local table exists and if so, delete it
Me.bonus_progress.Visible = True 'activate the progress bar
Me.bonus_progress.value = 0 'reset the progress bar

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 3
If TableExists(Tables(i,0)) = True Then 'check to see if table
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, Tables(i,0) 'if so, deletes it
'do nothing
End If
DoCmd.OpenQuery Queries(i,0), acViewNormal 'rerun the query to
create new, updated table
Me.bonus_progress.value = Me.bonus_progress.value + 25
'increment the progress bar

Me.bonus_progress.Visible = False 'deactivate the progress bar

End Sub

Right after i set up the loop "Tables(i,0)" is what is highlighted.

Any ideas?

Ok, so i messed up on one thing, i replaced "Loop" with "Next i".
i still get the error though :(
Dim both your variables as string (Tables is dimmed as a Variant)

Dim Tables(3, 0) As String, Queries(3, 0) As String

Personally I'd Use (matter of taste <g>):

Public Function TableExists(ByVal TableName As String) As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next

Dim TDef As DAO.TableDef
Set TDef = Access.CurrentDb.TableDefs(TableName)
TableExists = Not (TDef Is Nothing)
Set TDef = Nothing
End Function

CurrentDb.Execute Queries(i,0), DAO.DbSeeChanges ' instead Of
