Russ Green
I am currently working on a small VB.NET utility that accesses the Microstation VBA object model via COM.
I have this code which I am trying to get to work...
The key bits of information are
Dim oEl As MicroStationDGN.Element
Dim oTagEl() As MicroStationDGN.TagElement
Dim oArrayList As New ArrayList
oEl in this case will be a cell that contains tags (don't worry what they are...) and I'm using oArrayList.AddRange(oEl.GetTags) to create an ArrayList from the tags that are in oEl (the cell). That works great and Debug.WriteLine(oItem.TagDefinitionName.ToString & " - " & oItem.Value) proves it works.
The problem comes when I try to add the contents of my newly created arraylist to the array of tag elements oTagEl() using oTagEl = CType(oArrayList.ToArray(GetType(TagElement)), TagElement()). I get the follwing error:-
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: At least one element in the source array could not be cast down to the destination array type.
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
Imports System
Imports MicroStationDGN
Module modChangeTags
Dim frm As frmEditValues
Public Sub TagValueChange(ByRef oTagEl() As TagElement, ByRef count As Integer)
If oTagEl(count).TagDefinitionName = "PROJ_TITLE" Then
If bModifyTags = True Then
oTagEl(count).Value = frm.txtProjTitle.Text
frm.txtProjTitle.Text = CStr(oTagEl(count).Value)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ModelScan(ByRef sCellName As String)
Dim oScanCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria
Dim oElEnum As ElementEnumerator
Dim oEl As Element
bCellFound = False
' Scan only for type 2 Cells
oElEnum = oMSTN.ActiveModelReference.Scan(oScanCriteria)
While oElEnum.MoveNext = True
oEl = DirectCast(oElEnum.Current, Element)
' Process only the "titleblock" cell
If oEl.AsCellElement.Name = sCellName Then
bCellFound = True
' Process the tags
If oEl.HasAnyTags = True Then
' oTagEl = VB6.CopyArray(oEl.GetTags)
' dimension and populate an arraylist
Dim oArrayList As New ArrayList
' just check the arraylist has something in it
Dim oItem As TagElement
For Each oItem In oArrayList
Debug.WriteLine(oItem.TagDefinitionName.ToString & " - " & oItem.Value
' add the arraylist contents to oTagEl()
oTagEl = CType(oArrayList.ToArray(GetType(TagElement)), TagElement())
' Locate each tag by it's definition
Dim oCount As Integer
For oCount = 0 To UBound(oTagEl)
TagValueChange(oTagEl, oCount)
End If
End If
End While
If bModifyTags = True Then
If bCellFound = True Then
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module
I have this code which I am trying to get to work...
The key bits of information are
Dim oEl As MicroStationDGN.Element
Dim oTagEl() As MicroStationDGN.TagElement
Dim oArrayList As New ArrayList
oEl in this case will be a cell that contains tags (don't worry what they are...) and I'm using oArrayList.AddRange(oEl.GetTags) to create an ArrayList from the tags that are in oEl (the cell). That works great and Debug.WriteLine(oItem.TagDefinitionName.ToString & " - " & oItem.Value) proves it works.
The problem comes when I try to add the contents of my newly created arraylist to the array of tag elements oTagEl() using oTagEl = CType(oArrayList.ToArray(GetType(TagElement)), TagElement()). I get the follwing error:-
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: At least one element in the source array could not be cast down to the destination array type.
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
Imports System
Imports MicroStationDGN
Module modChangeTags
Dim frm As frmEditValues
Public Sub TagValueChange(ByRef oTagEl() As TagElement, ByRef count As Integer)
If oTagEl(count).TagDefinitionName = "PROJ_TITLE" Then
If bModifyTags = True Then
oTagEl(count).Value = frm.txtProjTitle.Text
frm.txtProjTitle.Text = CStr(oTagEl(count).Value)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ModelScan(ByRef sCellName As String)
Dim oScanCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria
Dim oElEnum As ElementEnumerator
Dim oEl As Element
bCellFound = False
' Scan only for type 2 Cells
oElEnum = oMSTN.ActiveModelReference.Scan(oScanCriteria)
While oElEnum.MoveNext = True
oEl = DirectCast(oElEnum.Current, Element)
' Process only the "titleblock" cell
If oEl.AsCellElement.Name = sCellName Then
bCellFound = True
' Process the tags
If oEl.HasAnyTags = True Then
' oTagEl = VB6.CopyArray(oEl.GetTags)
' dimension and populate an arraylist
Dim oArrayList As New ArrayList
' just check the arraylist has something in it
Dim oItem As TagElement
For Each oItem In oArrayList
Debug.WriteLine(oItem.TagDefinitionName.ToString & " - " & oItem.Value
' add the arraylist contents to oTagEl()
oTagEl = CType(oArrayList.ToArray(GetType(TagElement)), TagElement())
' Locate each tag by it's definition
Dim oCount As Integer
For oCount = 0 To UBound(oTagEl)
TagValueChange(oTagEl, oCount)
End If
End If
End While
If bModifyTags = True Then
If bCellFound = True Then
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module