In that case, I would also recommend a HashTable (in your first question you
only needed to store a number). An arraylist doesn't have a key value, so
you probably can't use it in this scenario.
To store multiple values for each number, I would recommend to create a
class to do that:
Public Class MyItem
Private _color As String
Private _time As DateTime
Public Sub New(ByVal color As String, ByVal time As DateTime)
Me.Color = color
Me.Time = time
End Sub
Public Property Color() As String
Return _color
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_color = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Time() As DateTime
Return _time
End Get
Set(ByVal value As DateTime)
_time = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
You can use this class in combination with a HashTable like this:
Dim ht As New Hashtable
'Add items
ht.Add(1, New MyItem("yellow", Now))
ht.Add(2, New MyItem("green", Now))
'Check if key exists
If ht.Contains(1) Then
End If
'Retrieve values
MessageBox.Show(CType(ht(1), MyItem).Color)
Jan Tielens
Read my weblog:
simon said:
Now I have 3 values: number,color and time.
Number is unique and can be key value.
So the hash table is very recomended because I can look If number exists
just with:
Does the arraylist has something similar?
How can I do know, when I have 2 values to store for each number: number and
its color and time.
Thank you for your answer,