Working with arrays i a lot faster than worksheet functions (I suppose
so...). I have a few questions about arrays.
1st question
Is it possible to assign a value to multiple elements of an array: I'd like
to do something like that:
a(1 to 10) = 0
2nd question:
Is it possible to get this faster, without loops:
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
If a(i) = strValue Then
Matches = aMatches + 1
End If
Next i
3rd question:
Is it possible to use worksheets functions with arrays, something like that:
matches = Application.CountIf("abc", aValues, 0)
Maybe there is a tuturial available how to work with arrays most efficient.
Working with arrays i a lot faster than worksheet functions (I suppose
so...). I have a few questions about arrays.
1st question
Is it possible to assign a value to multiple elements of an array: I'd like
to do something like that:
a(1 to 10) = 0
2nd question:
Is it possible to get this faster, without loops:
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
If a(i) = strValue Then
Matches = aMatches + 1
End If
Next i
3rd question:
Is it possible to use worksheets functions with arrays, something like that:
matches = Application.CountIf("abc", aValues, 0)
Maybe there is a tuturial available how to work with arrays most efficient.