Hello, I need some help with something simple. How would I be able to display two or three names in an array? So, if I have an array calle
Names[ 3 ] = { 10, 10, 10 }; //Names can hold up to three names with 10 characters each. First I want to let the User to type his/her name up to three times. How do I let the make the element in the array count in the while loop??? For example: .... Please help me!!!!!
while ( count < 3 ) // until three names are entere
console :: write( " Please enter your name: ")
// person types in nam
Names[ 3 ] = { 10, 10, 10 }; //Names can hold up to three names with 10 characters each. First I want to let the User to type his/her name up to three times. How do I let the make the element in the array count in the while loop??? For example: .... Please help me!!!!!
while ( count < 3 ) // until three names are entere
console :: write( " Please enter your name: ")
// person types in nam