Alas! I must be missing something in my formula. I am
entering a very simple array formula which is as follows:
In column O there are two choices, either 100 or 140.
What I need is a total from column P for each 100 and 140
that exists in O. I can get a total for 140 but I can not
get a total for 100. Instead I get a FALSE response. It
is as though the formula is only applying the IF criteria
to the first row of my range. The first row reads 140 in
O2. If I change it to 100 then the FALSE is now replaced
with a number.
Question: How can I get my array formula using the IF
statement criteria to apply to the entire range of rows
rather then just the first row?
Many thanks!
entering a very simple array formula which is as follows:


In column O there are two choices, either 100 or 140.
What I need is a total from column P for each 100 and 140
that exists in O. I can get a total for 140 but I can not
get a total for 100. Instead I get a FALSE response. It
is as though the formula is only applying the IF criteria
to the first row of my range. The first row reads 140 in
O2. If I change it to 100 then the FALSE is now replaced
with a number.
Question: How can I get my array formula using the IF
statement criteria to apply to the entire range of rows
rather then just the first row?
Many thanks!