Array Alternative


Paul Cheetham


I am writing an application that reads data from a PLC in a
manufacturing plant.
I use a control to communicate with the PLC, that returns an array of
Short values.

I do not always know the length of the data block that will be returned,
and so cannot declare a suitable array. (As well as that, I believe
re-dimensioning an array in VB.Net is very inefficient)

Can anyone suggest a way of storing this data so it can then be manipulated?

I am using .Net 1.1 and VS 2003


Paul Cheetham


Paul said:

I am writing an application that reads data from a PLC in a
manufacturing plant.
I use a control to communicate with the PLC, that returns an array of
Short values.

I do not always know the length of the data block that will be returned,
and so cannot declare a suitable array. (As well as that, I believe
re-dimensioning an array in VB.Net is very inefficient)

Can anyone suggest a way of storing this data so it can then be

I am using .Net 1.1 and VS 2003


Paul Cheetham

sounds like an arraylist is exactly what you need.
take a look at it. Also some of the collection classes may help.


declaring the array with the result should work in my opinion

pseudo code :::

Dim shorts() As Short = Returningdata


Michel Posseth [MCP]

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