The situation is that I need to create a report that shows montly values for
9 different locations. I ran the query wizard to calculate the value for each
of the 9 locations. I have to show how much money each locations has
collected for every month of the year. The preferred way of this being shown
is as follows:
Location Jan # Feb # Mar#......... 6 months total #
1 $300 15 x x x x x x
So the top half should look something like that and the bottom half should
look the same as well except the months would be different. And at the end
instead of the 6months total it would the 12 months total. Also after each
month there is a # sign because it needs to be shown how many opportunities
that location has had in collecting money. So for example: for location 1
they collected $300 in 15 in January, in february it would be different. The
query already took care of since I had it count the # of records for each
month for each location. The report is landscape view so top half should have
6 months and bottom should also have 6 months and the location names need to
be displayed both at the top and bottom columns. I just need a way to punch
out what the query gave me in this format. I used the wizard but it was
useless and I don't know how to get the report to display the query that way
using design view. Thanks in advance if anyone can help and thanks for the
answers to my last question with the Shorts Database. This is actually for
that same databse but of course I put it in a different context.
9 different locations. I ran the query wizard to calculate the value for each
of the 9 locations. I have to show how much money each locations has
collected for every month of the year. The preferred way of this being shown
is as follows:
Location Jan # Feb # Mar#......... 6 months total #
1 $300 15 x x x x x x
So the top half should look something like that and the bottom half should
look the same as well except the months would be different. And at the end
instead of the 6months total it would the 12 months total. Also after each
month there is a # sign because it needs to be shown how many opportunities
that location has had in collecting money. So for example: for location 1
they collected $300 in 15 in January, in february it would be different. The
query already took care of since I had it count the # of records for each
month for each location. The report is landscape view so top half should have
6 months and bottom should also have 6 months and the location names need to
be displayed both at the top and bottom columns. I just need a way to punch
out what the query gave me in this format. I used the wizard but it was
useless and I don't know how to get the report to display the query that way
using design view. Thanks in advance if anyone can help and thanks for the
answers to my last question with the Shorts Database. This is actually for
that same databse but of course I put it in a different context.