Pat S
Is there software available to private individuals that
will arrange a list of street addresses into walking
order? I want to use this software to arrange my list of
addresses in walking order & then to print a paper list
of the addresses in walking order to guide me as I
literally walk to each address.
All of the addresses are businesses, none are residences.
Only about 30% of the businesses in an area will be on my
I want to walk to only the businesses on my list, not to
all businesses in the area. I will walk this same list 3
or 4 times in a 6 week period. Then I will create a new
list of businesses in an adjacent area & perform the same
routine again.
All my address info is stored in Outlook 2002 now. I have
900 records in Outlook now, and all of these addresses
are in 4 zip codes. My final list could get as high as
3000 records a year from now, and they all will be in
less than 10 adjacent zip codes.
I think close is good enough. I am not trying to save
money on postage. No part of this project is used to
create mail that enters the postal system. The end result
of this project is a series of 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper
with addresses printed on them, arranged in a particular
I have found a SERVICE that will arrange my list for
$175 each time.
I have found SOFTWARE with a price of $500 per year.
Both of these use the name "delivery point sequence" for
this process of arranging addresses in walk order.
I am a single operator, & am having a hard time spending
$500 or more per year on a service that would be a major
time saver, but that I don't need to survive.
Are there any options at significantly lower prices?
Thank you for your help. Pat.
will arrange a list of street addresses into walking
order? I want to use this software to arrange my list of
addresses in walking order & then to print a paper list
of the addresses in walking order to guide me as I
literally walk to each address.
All of the addresses are businesses, none are residences.
Only about 30% of the businesses in an area will be on my
I want to walk to only the businesses on my list, not to
all businesses in the area. I will walk this same list 3
or 4 times in a 6 week period. Then I will create a new
list of businesses in an adjacent area & perform the same
routine again.
All my address info is stored in Outlook 2002 now. I have
900 records in Outlook now, and all of these addresses
are in 4 zip codes. My final list could get as high as
3000 records a year from now, and they all will be in
less than 10 adjacent zip codes.
I think close is good enough. I am not trying to save
money on postage. No part of this project is used to
create mail that enters the postal system. The end result
of this project is a series of 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper
with addresses printed on them, arranged in a particular
I have found a SERVICE that will arrange my list for
$175 each time.
I have found SOFTWARE with a price of $500 per year.
Both of these use the name "delivery point sequence" for
this process of arranging addresses in walk order.
I am a single operator, & am having a hard time spending
$500 or more per year on a service that would be a major
time saver, but that I don't need to survive.
Are there any options at significantly lower prices?
Thank you for your help. Pat.