Arobat plugin blocks IE instance. pls help.

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Some pdf-document downloads block inctances of IE6.0 .
By "some", I mean some irresponsive sites.
Standalone Acrobat won't start thereafter too until IE is killed.
Aborting an IE instance closes every other one.

Any remedies? Or any suggestions on how to abort just
a dead IE copy (window), not all?
Hi Paul,

Any other toolbars installed? I have been experiencing the same symptoms
with the MSN search toolbar with tabbed browsing.

Hi Rob,
nope, I try to use as little good decorations as possible.
(no MSN tollbar - for sure) Below is a list of add-ons I have:
1. AcroIEhelperObj
2. ICQ
3. Macromedia Flash
4. Sun Java Console
5. Microsoft Windows Messenger

And with the Arobat plugin - no problems for trusted sites
such as Microsoft, TI, Samsung, IEEE etc.
Only some dowloads from sites with poor connection cause IE
instance to be blocked by Acrobat.

How did you overcome the trouble?
If somebody could say that single IE instance might be
made selectively abortable, this will make me happy too.


Rob ^_^ said:
Hi Paul,
Any other toolbars installed? I have been experiencing the same symptoms
with the MSN search toolbar with tabbed browsing.

Hi Paul,

I did not overcome the problem yet.

When you say "only some sites with poor connections", what do you mean?

Oh, another thing the Acrobat reader calls home each time it is loaded to
check for updates.. Maybe this may be the issue, though that you can
download and view from other sites suggests otherwise. R U using a firewall?

Post back with some example sites for us to test.

In the mean time have you tried the Save Target As context menu to download
the pdf file before you open it? Cleaning your Internet Cache?

Also the later versions of the reader has problems reading docs created with
earlier versions or if they contain exotic fonts that are not installed on
your machine.

Paul S. said:
Hi Rob,
nope, I try to use as little good decorations as possible.
(no MSN tollbar - for sure) Below is a list of add-ons I have:
1. AcroIEhelperObj
2. ICQ
3. Macromedia Flash
4. Sun Java Console
5. Microsoft Windows Messenger

And with the Arobat plugin - no problems for trusted sites
such as Microsoft, TI, Samsung, IEEE etc.
Only some dowloads from sites with poor connection cause IE
instance to be blocked by Acrobat.

How did you overcome the trouble?
If somebody could say that single IE instance might be
made selectively abortable, this will make me happy too.

Thanks Rob,
of course, I do not hold names of poor sites,
I try to just avoid them, however next time my IE is blocked
I'll record a link for you (and me).

I do not have problems with "save as" and use it whenever possible.
I wouldn't ask for help if there won't be many cases when the link
is to html/asp page, but click actually is redirected to pdf.
If I use "save as" then I have senseless html file saved, if I click, :-(

Nope, check for updates imho is not the case too.
I disabled automatic updates (afair). At least I never see autoreminders
and always refuse to do any upgrades if Acrobat says "the file contain some
information that your old viewer can't display", or "the file contain some
japaneese/arabic fonts which are not installed..."

(Looking at the control panel) It is *off*.

I did not clear my internet cache for long. I'll try the next time of trouble.

You (silently) answered that an IE instance is not abortable. If I kill one,
every other window will be killed too. Aha, this is what I thought.
Multiple SDI application. One process, several threads.

Thank you for so many good sugestions.
I'll be back :-)

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