Let's learn using examples
First, for Msgbox, if you got values for the second, third (and so on) arguments, you must not use brackets
For example
MsgBox "Hello World!", vbYesNo, "This is the Title
If you add brackets: MsgBox ("Hello World!", vbYesNo, "This is the Title"
Excel will return an error
However, for Inputbox, because you always need to assign the value to a variable, you always need to use brackets. For example
x = InputBox("Are you ok?", vbYesNo,"Yes"
Another example. If you have a VBA function called "hello", the syntax is
hello(boy, girl
When calling the function in a macro procedure, normally, you assign the value to a variable. You always need to use brackets. For example
x = hello(1, 2
So, at this point, you may have a idea that, whenever you assign something to a variable, you use brackets. Otherwise, you don't need to use brackets
Another example. You got a subroutine with an arguement
Private Sub macro1(hh
Msgbox h
End Su
You want to call the above Sub from another Sub
Sub calling(
macro1 "hello!
end su
Note here. This example further shows you that in case you're not assigning something to a variable, you don't use brackets
----- David wrote: ----
Please help with my VBA education
Sometimes arguments are in brackets, sometimes not. What
are the criteria for use of brackets with arguments