I've been looking for a disk enclosure to enable me to add a spare hard disk to my network, and so far the Argosy HD363N is the only one that I have found that seems suitable.
However, I have not been able to find a UK supplier yet, and so wanted to ask the forum members who have one, if they managed to get one in the UK, or Europe?
I have been following the existing thread Re: ARGOSY - HD363N - Network Storage but can't tell if the members are in UK / Europe.
Any ideas?
I've been looking for a disk enclosure to enable me to add a spare hard disk to my network, and so far the Argosy HD363N is the only one that I have found that seems suitable.
However, I have not been able to find a UK supplier yet, and so wanted to ask the forum members who have one, if they managed to get one in the UK, or Europe?
I have been following the existing thread Re: ARGOSY - HD363N - Network Storage but can't tell if the members are in UK / Europe.
Any ideas?