Area 51

Jul 4, 2006
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hey guys,

out of the blue I started thinking about area 51 and if it was real or not so I decided come to u guy to see if u think its real or made up and y?

thx italiankid1!:D :thumb:
The Truth is out there ?

The Americans have something there for sure...some say its kept hidden as not to cause worldwide panic , others think theres nothing..check out this link for info ..

For everyone Google earth and "Fly to" Area 51 its fascinating :thumb: I am very suprised the Americans let this image available knowing their secrecy .
Of course it exists.

Go on Google Earth (as above) and search it. Its absolutely massive - really amazing!!

It exists

I know for a fact!!

The stuff that is there is also underground i'm not even gonna discuss it anymore

BTW i'm really not joking, this thread will be monitored!!
TriplexDread said:
It exists

I know for a fact!!

The stuff that is there is also underground i'm not even gonna discuss it anymore

BTW i'm really not joking, this thread will be monitored!!
XXXXXXXXXXX [deleted just in case]
try vauxhall bridge?
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Threats are futile...action is what brings secrecy and keeps the integrity of the establishment that is M.I.B
So are you making specific threats

So are you making specific threats against person/s?
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The American Government denies its exsistence still...

And why dont you pm me on the details Agent Triple X dread?:p:D

Edit: Apparantly that big white patch you see in the photos is where they set up the Moon landings..

I havent got any links about it, but i saw it once on telly i did :D
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michael 118 said:
The American Government denies its exsistence still...

And why dont you pm me on the details Agent Triple X dread?:p:D

Edit: Apparantly that big white patch you see in the photos is where they set up the Moon landings..

I havent got any links about it, but i saw it once on telly i did :D

Check your pm's please Michael
Take us seriously

Like agent TD not anything else (lol) we are telling you to abort this thread b4 you delve too deeply into "situations" out of your control and are visited by people not of this earth..

Our hut is in the top left hand corner near the burger van ;)
Scardy cat

just in case HGV gets his wheels clamped on the m25 just before breakfast m8 whilst looking at everyone wearing a dark suit !!
So u guys really think it excist well so do I and i dont even think the us president knows about it because his to busy plznning wich country to attack next! lol!
Got a visit last night from two offical looking dudes, introduced themselves as agent K and agent J.
Bought a box of .44 dumb dumb silver jacket's just in case i need to lock & load!
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If anyone hears of assault with a deadly weapon on two law enforcement officers and suspect making off in a 10 tonn heavy goods vehicle - we'll know it wasnt you ;)