No need to be rude. It is you who is not getting it. You have zero proof and
are just guessing and have nothing to back up your claims. I did present my
ideas as "what I've heard" because I don't know for sure but you are
presenting your ideas as fact when you don't know for sure either.
"What you've heard"?
Let's hear it from the horse's mouth then, who claims this?
You might claim "I heard someone say that mine is filled
with swiss chesses". I could counter, "no it's not".
Indeed, that's my opinion, i have no facts to confirm you
have not a cheese-filled flash card.
Well known? So you are going by what people have told you?
Do you live in a vacuume?
It's well known to anyone who shops the memory market
It is well know
that lower quality products go to different brands all the time. Go to a no
name supermarket and all the reject apples from the brand name supermarket
are there. All the CCDs in cheapo video cameras are the rejects from
high-end cameras.
Actually, no, but that's not directly comparible even if it
were true.
To repeat, there is nothing particularly "quality" about
Sandisk over any other flash memory. They DO sell higher
speed grades, which some might call higher quality due to
this desirable feature, but that's pretty simple criteria.
If your card is rated at (N)X speed but can't perform that
fast, you ought to be returning it. If you find you can't
write or read the whole thing without errors, again it
should be returned. Otherwise, you're just paranoid.
It might not be outright defective. It could just be lower quality in some
way that I don't know about. If it had a few dodgy bits I'd never know
because it largely stores pics. Also the new one doesn't have a sandisk
label underneath.
Return it.
You are not able to appreciate a bargain and should pay full
retail for a Sandisk card, never knowing there is no
GIMME SOME PROOF!!!! and then I might believe you. Otherwise you're blowing
hot air and getting angry because I won't accept it as fact.
Prove what? Prove it isn't defective?
Prove that everyone else isn't paranoid?
Prove that companies don't risk corporate image by putting
labels on products already tested as defective?
Prove that Sandisk had excess inventory that had labels?
It seems you already have all the proof right there in front
of you.