Are there any other way to run the vba code than...


VBA beginner

....linking it to the command button?


I have made an vba code, that is linked to command button. Now I want to run
that code that is linked to the command button (starts when the user clicks
the button) when I move a cursor for example cell A1 to A2. Is this kind of
system possible to do? What are the other functions (than clicking) where the
code can be linked?


There are a number of way to run a macro.

1) From VBA by pressing F5
2) From menu Tools - Macro - Macros then select the macro
3) From changing controls which include buttons, check boxes entering or
select data in Listboxes or combo boxes.
4) From events like changing worksheets, entering data into cells,
befroeSave, BeforePrint. There are lots of these

You may want to run you r macro when data is entered into a cell?

Lonnie M.

Hi, you can capture the SelectionChange event, or double click, or
many other application events. See the code below that would be placed
inside the appropriate Worksheet Code Module. The 'Target' parameter
is a range variable that is set to the cell that was selected. You can
use 'Target' to test the cell address, row, column, etc... or even use
it change the value and more.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
Call updateMacro
ElseIf Target.Column = 2 Then
End If
End Sub

See Chip Pearson's site below to learn more about events:


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