Are there any newsletter templates for Frontpage?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Laura
  • Start date Start date
My website has to have the newsletter password protected to be within the
guidelines for the national site and to certify and be linked with it. How do
I password protect just certain pages, and the newsletter which is a PDF file?
FrontPage Password Protection - for ideas, see:
Courtesy of MVP Ron Symonds (Ronx)

Passwording a PDF is done with the PDF creation software, not related to
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: My website has to have the newsletter password protected to be within the
: guidelines for the national site and to certify and be linked with it. How
: I password protect just certain pages, and the newsletter which is a PDF
: "Tom Willett" wrote:
: > Try at
: >
: > --
: > Tom [Pepper] Willett
: > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: > ---------------------------
: > : > :
: >
: >
: > .
: >