These ASRock are dirt cheap, dirt, and allow use of AGP vid cards and PC3200
kinda performance. I don't know, can't read it, me stoopid, no too much
Skule, and are a great cheap dual cpu solution, maybe E6300, for cheap.
While on the subject of getting a dual core cpu are there any mobos that can
handle good (best) DDR1 memory, that would allow me to get a (posibly even
cheap) dual core cpu, and for the cost of beer for a week, a mobo, and just
stick in the vid card I already have, for now?. And accordingto the above
articles, there ain't no diff b/t using new DDR2, and shit DDR ancient
memory. WHat if I have good DDR1 memory? Like that did better than 1066
years ago.
But, on another note, notin say notin bout 1066, or beyond if using these
new cpus. Its like a dream re-occuring. I can't find any articles about
not using 1066 for mobo/ram/6400,6600. Recently written articles. When
you buy a dual, to OC you haven't if your at 1066; pheew, got me a 1066.
Got notin. wasted all that money for nothing. money, money, got me some
money, get your money, give your money. get some money. money. money. money
here. money there. what you got?
btw, when I buy Asus mobos, they allow adjusting anything and everything by
the smallest possible amount, so 1066, 1082, 1121 is all the same, for those
These ASRock are dirt cheap, dirt, and allow use of AGP vid cards and PC3200
kinda performance. I don't know, can't read it, me stoopid, no too much
Skule, and are a great cheap dual cpu solution, maybe E6300, for cheap.
While on the subject of getting a dual core cpu are there any mobos that can
handle good (best) DDR1 memory, that would allow me to get a (posibly even
cheap) dual core cpu, and for the cost of beer for a week, a mobo, and just
stick in the vid card I already have, for now?. And accordingto the above
articles, there ain't no diff b/t using new DDR2, and shit DDR ancient
memory. WHat if I have good DDR1 memory? Like that did better than 1066
years ago.
But, on another note, notin say notin bout 1066, or beyond if using these
new cpus. Its like a dream re-occuring. I can't find any articles about
not using 1066 for mobo/ram/6400,6600. Recently written articles. When
you buy a dual, to OC you haven't if your at 1066; pheew, got me a 1066.
Got notin. wasted all that money for nothing. money, money, got me some
money, get your money, give your money. get some money. money. money. money
here. money there. what you got?
btw, when I buy Asus mobos, they allow adjusting anything and everything by
the smallest possible amount, so 1066, 1082, 1121 is all the same, for those