Ned said:
It looks like my EIDE disk in my Dell 4300 is gone. I see the vendors
are selling SATA disks with 16mb cache - looks like good value. Will
they work OK in my Dell?
Do you see a SATA connector in there ? If there is no SATA connector,
then it would be best to shop for IDE (PATA). You can still buy
PATA drives, as I bought one just yesterday at a shop in town.
And you can find PATA versions to rival those offered in SATA
form - my shop in town even carries a 750GB with PATA interface.
Judging by the stats for the computer (Devhardware lists a 1.8GHz
processor and a Geforce3 TI200 graphics card), my guess would be
there is no SATA connector present. But a picture of the
motherboard would make this easier to determine for sure.
Another site lists the unit as having SDRAM in it, which kinda
fixes the vintage of the unit, as not having SATA connectors.
If you wanted to use SATA, you'd need a plugin card, drivers
etc. Not worth the hassle, when an IDE drive with a ribbon cable
will do the job with no fuss.
For example, here is a 80GB Caviar with 8MB cache, for $44. Stick
with a small drive, to avoid other issues. The drive I bought
yesterday was an 80GB, to make it easy to move the drive between
OSes, and different vintages of hardware.
My favorite drives right now, are Seagate. I got this one locally
yesterday. Same price as the Caviar ($44). The cache is not
really that important. These are pretty quiet.