kelly said:
I'm being told that the new templates available for download are not good
because they have a dark background and can be hard to see in some
I have found that they are very good and easier to see than lighter ones.
It just really depends on the room setup, the lighting, the projector, a
whole bunch of stuff. And also the colors used on the light/dark background.
Totally agree with what Sandy said about contrast, but I tend to have better
luck with darker backgrounds.
As an example, I had a client whose template used a golden yellow, a sunny
orange, and a medium teal bluish-green on a white background. It was a cool
template, but on many projectors the orange and yellow looked pretty much
the same, and the yellow simply couldn't be seen at all in line charts. When
shown on a darker background, those colors were much easier to see.
(I think people bump the brightness and contrast both way up -- often as
high as they will go -- on cheap projectors, and that just washes everything
out, which may be why I have better luck with dark backgrounds.)
So it really just depends. Sorry we can't give you a better answer than