The DRIVES work perfectly with first edition.
HOWEVER - If they're over 64G, the FDISK that comes with Win98
(First and early builds of Second) won't properly report disk space,
saying, for instance, that an 80G drive has about 10G on it. Still
works - it appears to be a display-only thing.
I think you can still download the MS update to bring Win98 up to 98se.
The fdisk update is separate and needs to be downloaded for 98se also.
I just went through all of this installing a WD 160GB drive (I didn't use
the included drivers because my bios supports 48 bit LBA). The Win98se
system can handle a drive up to 2 TB. However the software - scandisk,
defrag - are only good for partitions up to 137 GB (128) because the fat32
map space in those programs is 16 bit. So you are limited to fat32's of
64MB/(4 bytes/cluster number) = 16M clusters, less 64K,=16320K clusters.
The updated fdisk still doesn't report anything over 64G correctly. Since
I learnt I was limited to 137GB partitons and I couldn't fine tune with
fdisk, I divided my disk up using Ranish:
C: 8 GB (or rather, to old style cyl 1023, for the hell of it.)
D: 16 GB (maxed using a 8K cluster)
E:134 GB (the remainder, or 125GB, 1.024^3 base)
Ranish insisted on using 64KB cluster sizes for the large partition. This
gave scandisk fits with 'out of memory' errors, even though I have plenty
of memory. I went back to MS format and it formatted using 32KB clusters
and scandisk worked great!
Note that my drive E: overlaps the 137GB 28 bit LBA boundary and works
without wrap-around or other addressing problems. One should be able to
keep adding partitions up to 2 TB for larger drives, like the MS docs say.