Regarding Arctic Silver 5 w/P4 P4C800-E Dlx.
Is just a matter of a pushing the syringe? It doesn't seem like the top can
be removed.
Does it tend to drip? If it does, I was thinking, it would be better to
apply it with the CPU in its plastic case, and then install the CPU. What is
the usual order of steps.
Instructions and a picture of the syringe are here:
Install order can depend on the HSF. If the HSF is easy to
install (i.e. uses screws for hold down), you can install it
after the motherboard is in the case.
If the HSF has some kind of nasty clips, or requires extreme
pressure, where a tool can slide off the clip and damage the
motherboard, then installing the HSF before placing the motherboard
in the case is a good idea. The problem is, some cases have a
metal crossbar riveted on as a stiffener, and this can make it
difficult to slide the assembly into the case - install the
HSF dry and check the fit first. (If redoing the compound in
the future, removal from the case is, again, a good idea. Ask
anyone who has had a slot head screwdriver slip off and strike
the motherboard so hard, a capacitor was stripped off the board
or a copper track got cut. The right size hex driver can slide
over those clips, and can be used to safely install the clip.)
Any time pressure is applied to a motherboard, it should be
properly support underneath. Flexing the PCB can damage the
solder joints on the large chips or the processor socket.
The instructions webpage above says to transfer a dot of compound
with the spreading tool. You can also apply it directly, if you can
figure out how to work the syringe without over squeezing it
I put a Zalman 7000a on my P4C800-E Deluxe, but I still installed
it before putting the motherboard in the case. It was a struggle
to get it into the case without dropping the motherboard. In
retrospect, it would have been easier to install the HSF after
the motherboard was in the case.
As for the CPU, installing it in the socket first, before
"buttering it up", will make it easier for your applicator
tool (old credit card) to spread the product. You don't need
much - I'm still using my first tube of AS3.