I want to be able to archive several tables from my database on a yearly
basis for all data from that year. (the year is recorded as a text file so i
can select rom a list of academic years 05/06, 06/07 etc). The 2 tables i
want to archive are a "Training course" table and a "registrations" table
that records the individual course registrations of each participant.
Every year i want to export all the data from both tables through a simple
form control and place the results in a different database removing the data
but not the format/relationships etc of the exisiting tables.
What is the best way to do this. I might settle for a control that exports
all the data from each table but would prefer to do it for the query on
Academic year. I'm getting stuck with i was thinking of a a make tabel query
followed by a delete query for both tables.. then exportign the 2 tables. I
want the data to copy to anotehr database that i will creat that wil maintain
tehrelationship between the data.
Can anyone suggest a structure to my madness?
basis for all data from that year. (the year is recorded as a text file so i
can select rom a list of academic years 05/06, 06/07 etc). The 2 tables i
want to archive are a "Training course" table and a "registrations" table
that records the individual course registrations of each participant.
Every year i want to export all the data from both tables through a simple
form control and place the results in a different database removing the data
but not the format/relationships etc of the exisiting tables.
What is the best way to do this. I might settle for a control that exports
all the data from each table but would prefer to do it for the query on
Academic year. I'm getting stuck with i was thinking of a a make tabel query
followed by a delete query for both tables.. then exportign the 2 tables. I
want the data to copy to anotehr database that i will creat that wil maintain
tehrelationship between the data.
Can anyone suggest a structure to my madness?