Jack Frillman
What is the recommended way of archiving scans?
The main goal is to get the images archived on DVDs before time takes
more of a toll on the originals. Some are 40-50 years old.
I am using a Minolta 5400 with Vuescan or the Minolta software on a
Linux system.
If I use the Minolta SW it's done on a Mac Powerbook.
The options for archiving I see are:
1 - Just doing raw scans and saving these for later processing.
2 - Saving as processed scans as a finished product.
3 - Use the archive option in Vuescan. Thing is I don't how this option
differs from the print and other options.
The main goal is to get the images archived on DVDs before time takes
more of a toll on the originals. Some are 40-50 years old.
I am using a Minolta 5400 with Vuescan or the Minolta software on a
Linux system.
If I use the Minolta SW it's done on a Mac Powerbook.
The options for archiving I see are:
1 - Just doing raw scans and saving these for later processing.
2 - Saving as processed scans as a finished product.
3 - Use the archive option in Vuescan. Thing is I don't how this option
differs from the print and other options.