archive discussion forum



What is the best way to archive articles (with a link
acess them) in a discussion forum?

Do this in FP or in my online web? Should I just cut and
paste the links and paste them into anotehr page? or
should I be going into the private folder and moving them?
how is this done?

thanks a bunch!

Stefan B Rusynko

1) make sure you DW is a subweb
2) Open the online DW subweb and publish it to another subweb - say archive
- open it and edit all the posts / reply links to remove them and create a link to your root web and you old DW subweb
3) Publish or create a new empty DW in the old DW subweb and add a link to you archive DW

| What is the best way to archive articles (with a link
| acess them) in a discussion forum?
| Do this in FP or in my online web? Should I just cut and
| paste the links and paste them into anotehr page? or
| should I be going into the private folder and moving them?
| how is this done?
| thanks a bunch!


Ok I know how to edit and save changes to my online web;
but how do I publish from online?

this is what I've done in the past:

open my online web; go to the page with the thread
links 'toc results'; cut & paste them in another page
labelled archives; then add a link to the archives page
from the contents page. It worked fine but just not sure
if that is the way to do it? it was fast and easy; but
will that create problems?

-----Original Message-----
1) make sure you DW is a subweb
2) Open the online DW subweb and publish it to another subweb - say archive
- open it and edit all the posts / reply links to remove
them and create a link to your root web and you old DW
3) Publish or create a new empty DW in the old DW subweb
and add a link to you archive DW

Thomas A. Rowe

If you current hosting account allows you to create subwebs, and the current
discussion web is in a subweb, you could publish the subweb to another
subweb as an archive.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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