Greg Hawkins
Has OLEXP 6 on an old machine, trying to import these
messages into OLEXP on a new machine. I follow knowledge
base article 230208 ( advice for OLEXp 5) to the letter.
The folders and messages do not show up when I restart
Next tried saving the dbx files to a store folder on my
desktop, and using the import wizard. I get an error
messasge (cant find file or its in use, try closing the
Then tried setting up folders in Outlook that had exact
same name as files I had in the store folder, then closed
outlook, then copied the old files into the ( new)
outlook folder. Get an error message - sfile withthe name
you specified already exists"
What I should have done was follow another article I
foiund too late, which was to simply drag the messages
from the OLEXP windo into another folder, then drag them
from there back into the new OLEXP.
Now I am stuck withthese .dbx files, what can I do to
restore them to the new OLEXP on teh new computor?
Has OLEXP 6 on an old machine, trying to import these
messages into OLEXP on a new machine. I follow knowledge
base article 230208 ( advice for OLEXp 5) to the letter.
The folders and messages do not show up when I restart
Next tried saving the dbx files to a store folder on my
desktop, and using the import wizard. I get an error
messasge (cant find file or its in use, try closing the
Then tried setting up folders in Outlook that had exact
same name as files I had in the store folder, then closed
outlook, then copied the old files into the ( new)
outlook folder. Get an error message - sfile withthe name
you specified already exists"
What I should have done was follow another article I
foiund too late, which was to simply drag the messages
from the OLEXP windo into another folder, then drag them
from there back into the new OLEXP.
Now I am stuck withthese .dbx files, what can I do to
restore them to the new OLEXP on teh new computor?