I added Arabic Font support to my image. My application now prints symbols
for characters when printing a report. It simply uses "Times New Roman" and
"Courier New". any ideas what might be wrong?
Also, when setting “Standards and formats†to “Arabic (Iraq)†(Control Panel
Regional and Language Options, Regional Options tab), the sLanguage key in
HKCU\Control Panel\International does not change from ENU to ARI as it does
with XP Pro. Is this something i have to do manually with XPE?
for characters when printing a report. It simply uses "Times New Roman" and
"Courier New". any ideas what might be wrong?
Also, when setting “Standards and formats†to “Arabic (Iraq)†(Control Panel
Regional and Language Options, Regional Options tab), the sLanguage key in
HKCU\Control Panel\International does not change from ENU to ARI as it does
with XP Pro. Is this something i have to do manually with XPE?