April Fools Day


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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So ... who, what, where, how, when were you fooled.

Found any interesting stories? Doesn't have to be games related like me.

The 'one' that got me was, Guild Wars' silly airplane / seepier graphics prank. I retorted by bug reporting the fact, several times. I didn't play today. :rolleyes:

Guild Wars' silly airplane / seepier graphics prank.
What I failed to understand, was why the heck they didn't simply add a toggle option, so that those who felt the "joke" becoming stale after the first half-hour, could just switch back to regular game mode?

There was a work around for the sepia, grainy, graphics, which was effective. But nothing to counter the airplane arms. Everyone looking like the Angel of the North, was a tad disconcerting and certainly messed-up a lot of the animations.

I think it might have been better to stick with something like TxD's find of the PS Flow spoof. Good one :thumb:
The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest
The respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of the dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop. It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees. Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Many called the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this the BBC diplomatically replied, "place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best." Even the director-general of the BBC later admitted that after seeing the show he checked in an encyclopedia to find out if that was how spaghetti actually grew (but the encyclopedia had no information on the topic). The broadcast remains, by far, the most popular and widely acclaimed April Fool's Day hoax ever

Just kidding. This was an April Fool from 1957. :D