My boss travels nationally extensively and I am constantly putting
appointments in his outlook, which he views on his blackberry. he does not
synch his blackberry while traveling so the time zone does not change for
him. I have been searching for a way to tell outlook which time zone the
appt is in so that it reflects correctly in the local area. otherwise, i
have to include type the local time in the subject line so he knows what i'm
talking about. it seems that next to the time selection there would be a
choice of the time zones! i shouldn't have to look up the time zones in each
location when he travels thru several cities each week. this would be very
helpful as well when sending out meeting reminders to attendees in several
different states.
appointments in his outlook, which he views on his blackberry. he does not
synch his blackberry while traveling so the time zone does not change for
him. I have been searching for a way to tell outlook which time zone the
appt is in so that it reflects correctly in the local area. otherwise, i
have to include type the local time in the subject line so he knows what i'm
talking about. it seems that next to the time selection there would be a
choice of the time zones! i shouldn't have to look up the time zones in each
location when he travels thru several cities each week. this would be very
helpful as well when sending out meeting reminders to attendees in several
different states.