In web.config I have an appsettings:
<add key="constring"
value="Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=secret;Database=myDB" />
This is for my developing machine.
Every time I deploy this web.config to the production
server I forget to change the UID and PWD which are
different on this machine.
Is there a way to write some code that detects which
server you're on so the server picks the right UID and PW`?
In web.config I have an appsettings:
<add key="constring"
value="Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=secret;Database=myDB" />
This is for my developing machine.
Every time I deploy this web.config to the production
server I forget to change the UID and PWD which are
different on this machine.
Is there a way to write some code that detects which
server you're on so the server picks the right UID and PW`?