To ensure that my development connectionstring wasn't the one used for our
live website I have used a development configuration file that overrides the
appsettings section. Syntax as follows:
<appSettings file="..\user.config">
<add key="ConnStr" value=" .. "/>
I thought this worked really good allowing me to keep my development
connection string from beeing checked into sourcesafe.
However, in .Net 2.0 there is a new section <connectionStrings /> . Is it
possible to override this section as well or does someone have an equal, or
even better, solution?
To ensure that my development connectionstring wasn't the one used for our
live website I have used a development configuration file that overrides the
appsettings section. Syntax as follows:
<appSettings file="..\user.config">
<add key="ConnStr" value=" .. "/>
I thought this worked really good allowing me to keep my development
connection string from beeing checked into sourcesafe.
However, in .Net 2.0 there is a new section <connectionStrings /> . Is it
possible to override this section as well or does someone have an equal, or
even better, solution?