I recently decided to stop using the Body Text style. I occasionally
share documents, and I want to make sure that when others paste parts
of my doc, it looks as I intended. If they have a Body Text that
looks different than mine, it doesn't work out that way.
So I created a new style, BT, and in my normal.dot I replaced Body
Text with BT, and all the styles based on Body Text with styles based
on BT (too bad I couldn't rename Body Text, but that would have been
too easy).
I have some old templates (form letters, etc) that still have Body
Text. It's not a big deal, but as I use them I'd like to replace all
instances of Body Text with BT. I have paragraphs here and there with
direct formatting, like tab settings or different space after. I
can't see having a whole different style for a one-time small change
like that, but when I go to change the style, the direct formatting is
Now I know it's not do-able thru the interface. Maybe I'll ask over
in the VBA section as you suggest. It would be interesting. It would
also probably be a case of spending an hour to save ten minutes. But
what the heck, that's part of the fun.