


I cannot open any applications - receiving message "application not found"
and it is there and also "windows/system32/rundll32.exe" not found. What do
I do? I cannot install anything either to try to fix it. Thanks for your help


Please post copies of all Error and Warning Reports appearing in
the System and Application logs in Event Viewer for when the problem
occurs. No
Information Reports or Duplicates please.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer. When researching the meaning
of the error, information regarding Event ID, Source and Description
are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP

Part of the Description of the error will include a link, which you
should double click for further information. You can copy using copy
and paste. Often the link will, however, say there is no further
(Please note the hyperlink above is for illustration purposes only)

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double
click on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a
button resembling two pages. Click the button and close Event
Viewer.Now start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of
the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from
Event Viewer.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


SmileyMe said:
I cannot open any applications - receiving message "application not found"
and it is there and also "windows/system32/rundll32.exe" not found. What do
I do? I cannot install anything either to try to fix it. Thanks for your help

Hi Sharon,
This process is legitimate for windows core system, also it can be
compromised by a malicious.
"Application Has Failed to Start Because Framedyn.dll Was Not Found" Error
Message When You Open the System Properties Dialog Box
W32.Sircam.Worm@mm Removal Tool
1... First, try to clean up your caches, Internet files and delete cookies
by doing this:
Click Start >> Control Panel >> Double click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options.
On the IE properties windows you will see these Taps:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs |
Under General Tab clear your History, Internet Files and Cookies.
= Then try to Disable the Add-Ons on your Browser somehow installed on your
browser, On how to disable the Add-ons follow this:
Click on Programs Tab and then click the Manage Add-Ons Button there Disable
the None/Not Verified Plug-ins/Add-ons ( you need to Renable them one-by-one
later and see which is the culprit or you can send them here in your next
post) and click [OK] to confirm your Changes.
How to manage Add-Ons:

Click on Advanced Tab and scroll down under the browsing option and uncheck
this box:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) and click Apply
then OK to close your IE Properties.

2.... And also for malware from here: ; for Spybot S&D

Run a scan from here on-line:
Download Avast Cleaner from here:
Lots of tools to download and disinfect your machine:
After making sure the computer clean, run disk clean up then go to this site
for Doug fix and download the .EXE Fix:
Windows® XP File Association Fixes- (Restore default association for EXE

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