Application.VLookup and External files

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I want to use Application.VLookup to find values in an excel spreadsheet on
a network.

I'm not sure of the syntax, especailly the " or ' and !.

Here is what I have:

In Sheet1 of Book3.xls I have this in a vba module:

Sub FindPrice()
cells(a,1) = Application.VLookup("PRM 8018539",'\\myserver01\PRICE
UPDATES\[IPRICE 1.xls]'!sheet1.range("B2",Range("C65536").End(xlUp)),false)
End Sub

Exactly as is returns Compile Error: Expected: expression ant the first
single quote in front of myserver.

If I change both single quotes to double quotes I get: Compile Error:
Expected: list separator or ).


You have a couple of choices.

#1. You can open the file and then use application.vlookup() against that open

Dim iPrWks as worksheet
dim iPrRng as range
dim res as variant 'could be an error

set iprwks = _
(filename:="\\myserver01\price updates\iprice 1.xls",
_ readonly:=true).worksheets("Sheet1")

with iprwks
set iprRng = .range("B2",.cells(.rows.count,"C").end(xlup))
end with

'return the second column of the range????
res = application.vlookup("prm 8018539", iprrng, 2, false)

if iserror(res) then
res = "No match"
end if

activesheet.cells(a,1).value = res

#2. You could build a formula and plop it into that cell. Then convert it to

With activesheet.cells(a,1)
.formula = "=vlookup(""PRM 8018539""," _
& "'\\myserver01\PRICE UPDATES\[IPRICE 1.xls]'!sheet1!b:c,2,false)"
.value = .value
end with

Notice that the double quotes surrounding strings are doubled up. And I changed
the range to B:C instead of limiting the rows.

I want to use Application.VLookup to find values in an excel spreadsheet on
a network.

I'm not sure of the syntax, especailly the " or ' and !.

Here is what I have:

In Sheet1 of Book3.xls I have this in a vba module:

Sub FindPrice()
cells(a,1) = Application.VLookup("PRM 8018539",'\\myserver01\PRICE
UPDATES\[IPRICE 1.xls]'!sheet1.range("B2",Range("C65536").End(xlUp)),false)
End Sub

Exactly as is returns Compile Error: Expected: expression ant the first
single quote in front of myserver.

If I change both single quotes to double quotes I get: Compile Error:
Expected: list separator or ).


I messed up the second suggestion. (I wasn't careful enough with my exclamation
points and apostrophes!

#2. You could build a formula and plop it into that cell. Then convert it to

With activesheet.cells(a,1)
.formula = "=vlookup(""PRM 8018539""," _
& "'\\myserver01\PRICE UPDATES\[IPRICE 1.xls]sheet1'!b:c,2,false)"
.value = .value
end with
I want to use Application.VLookup to find values in an excel spreadsheet on
a network.

I'm not sure of the syntax, especailly the " or ' and !.

Here is what I have:

In Sheet1 of Book3.xls I have this in a vba module:

Sub FindPrice()
cells(a,1) = Application.VLookup("PRM 8018539",'\\myserver01\PRICE
UPDATES\[IPRICE 1.xls]'!sheet1.range("B2",Range("C65536").End(xlUp)),false)
End Sub

Exactly as is returns Compile Error: Expected: expression ant the first
single quote in front of myserver.

If I change both single quotes to double quotes I get: Compile Error:
Expected: list separator or ).

