Marco Biagioni
I'm trying to update my program to manage bitmap file written in vb 6.0
For bmp files accessing i used functions like those...
Open NameBmp For Binary As #1
Get #1, 11, pixelOffset
Get #1, 19, w 'Width
Get #1, 23, h 'Height
dim w as long
dim h as long
dim pixelOffset as long
How can obtain the same in VB.NET?
I tried with
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open(NomeBmp, _
FileMode.Open, _
FileAccess.Read, _
fs.Read(pixelOffset, 11, 7)
fs.Read(h, 19, 4)
fs.Read(w, 23, 4)
but Read method retrieved an array of Byte and doesn't store the read bytes
in a Long variables as Get statement, so i can't do something like
CalculateMultiple4(w * 3)
How can i do?
For bmp files accessing i used functions like those...
Open NameBmp For Binary As #1
Get #1, 11, pixelOffset
Get #1, 19, w 'Width
Get #1, 23, h 'Height
dim w as long
dim h as long
dim pixelOffset as long
How can obtain the same in VB.NET?
I tried with
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open(NomeBmp, _
FileMode.Open, _
FileAccess.Read, _
fs.Read(pixelOffset, 11, 7)
fs.Read(h, 19, 4)
fs.Read(w, 23, 4)
but Read method retrieved an array of Byte and doesn't store the read bytes
in a Long variables as Get statement, so i can't do something like
CalculateMultiple4(w * 3)
How can i do?