Application Signed with strongname cannot use an assembly which is not signed?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Özden Irmak
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Özden Irmak


I came across with a problem...

I had developed a component which it's assembly does not have a keyfile for
strong name...

One of my customers tries to use it in an application where he attaches a
keyfile for strong naming it and when compiling it he gets "Does Not have a
strong file Name" error pointing my component's dll...

Does anybody has a solution for this? Do I have to generate a strongname for
my component?

Thanks in adnvance,

I'm not sure. I'm not real strong on the security aspects of binding, but
until someone gives you a solid answer, you might want to look at the
application configuration file. I know you can specify alternate versions
for binding. That may mean that you can also specify unsigned assemblies to
bind to, but I'm not sure.

Just trying to give you a direction to look until someone else has a real

Actually, you may want to read this:

In particular, the first bulleted point:

"Libraries must be signed with a strong name in order to be shared by
multiple applications. Strong names allow your code to be placed in the
global assembly cache and allow consumers to verify that a particular piece
of mobile code actually originates from you."

Is there some reason you don't want to create a strong name for your

Dear Pete,

There is no special reason for not strong naming my component.

The problem is here that I already spread the un-strong named ones, so I
first looked as if there was any workaround for this...

Anyway, it seems I have to strongname them to correct this, I'll do it

Thank you for your help,

If your assembly does not have a strong name ,any assembly referencing it cannot be strong named. You would have to generate a key with the command sn -k keyname.snk
and then copy it to your application folder. When you give the key name it must have the relative path from the bin directory .