Application server ....

  • Thread starter Thread starter moko
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(Newbie here).

What is the Windows equivalent of an 'Application server' in the J2EE domain
? Also, what is the Microsoft equivalent of an EJB ?

I guess that the .NET framework is an application server, and the COM and
..NET components are equivalent to EJB's. Am i right ?
its is kinda difficult to precisely say what components equate to EJB.
My guess would be serviced components.
And application center... well MS was the first company to actually come out
with an application server long before any in java domain
think hard... does Microsoft Transaction Server ring any bells ? yes that
was the first application server. To make it more prominent it was given the
name transaction server
in reality it does a lot more.
As for windows 2000 it was renamed COM+ and now you have COM+ 1.5. Have a
look into it a bit deeper..
Generic COM+ article for good ol days of COM

More specific article to COM+ with .NET

One of the best books for COM+ and .NET

hope this helps