Hi CJ,
|| Hey I think this has been answered before, but
|| what is the way to see if a previous version of the
|| application is running?
Sure has. Time and again.
The following works for me. It relies on the caption of the main form.
Herfried has suggested using a Mutex which will work in the case that a
different app has the same title, or for apps that have a changeable title, or
none. I haven't tried it yet (it's on the todo).
Public Shared Function tThereIsAnInstanceOfThisProgramAlreadyRunning _
(Optional tToActivateThePrevInstance As Boolean = False, _
Optional ProgramTitle As String = "?") As Boolean
Dim sProcessName As String
Dim aoProcList() As System.Diagnostics.Process
sProcessName = GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName
aoProcList = GetProcessesByName (sProcessName) 'At least 1.
If aoProcList.Length = 1 Then
'There's just me.
Return False
End If
If tToActivateThePrevInstance Then
ActivateMyBetterHalf (ProgramTitle)
End If
'Another me beat me to it.
Return True
End Function