Application Mode

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I have installed terminal server in app mode with the associated license. I
can access the server with the domain user names and associated login
passwords for the users. How can I limit the functionality of these users
using this server to one app. and disabling the user from shutting down the
server. With locking this server down, will the domain user still be able to
access all the apps on other servers as they could before. I just want to
change how the user accesses this server.
If your users can shutdown the Terminal Server, they are members of
the Administrators or Power Users group.
If that's the case, there is no way to prevent them from shutting
down the server (and they will be able to do far more serious
damage than merely shutting it down!).

You can remove the Shutdown option from the Start Menu with a Group
Policy, but this is only a cosmetic change. Normal users will *not*
be able to actually shutdown the server, even if they see the
option, and Administrators *will* be able to shutdown the server,
even if they don't see the option.

You can configure the Terminal Server with a "starting
application". either in TS Configuration, or with a Group Policy.
If you do so, the application will start automatically when users
connect to the server, and when they exit the application, they
will be logged off.

If you implement this through a GPO, be sure to use "loopback
processing" with the Replace option to ensure that the GPO only
affects users when they lo in to the TS, not their normal

260370 - How to Apply Group Policy Objects to Terminal Services

231287 - Loopback Processing of Group Policy

315675 - HOW TO: Keep Domain Group Policies from Applying to
Administrator Accounts and Selected Users in Windows 2000