Application Logon ID Capture

  • Thread starter Thread starter George Wells
  • Start date Start date

George Wells

I am using a logon screen for access to an Access 2003 database and want to capture the user's ID and include it as part of the record. The form I use for the logon is a hidden form (frmLogon) that is the first thing that comes up when a user clicks on the file. I can't use the Windows logon as this is a standalone PC locked down to prevent any other access to system resources. I've tried using the expression "=[Forms]![frmLogon]![txtLoninID]" for the default value but get the error message "Could not find 'Forms]![frmLogon]![txtLoginID'". Does anyone know how to get this accomplished?

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
VB.NET Single Sign-On with DIGEST, BASIC, LDAP
You sure you've typed the name of the form and text box correctly?

If you're certain, try removing the square brackets.
