Application level trace stops tracing



When I first start up an ASP.NET application with tracing enabled in
web.config the first few pages show trace at bottom of the page but then at
some point the pages return to normal with no trace information displayed.

Can anyone tell me what might be causing the Trace to turn off?

Thanks for any help with this

..NET 1.1 running on localhost

Scott Allen

Is it the exact same pages that suddenly have no tracing information?
Is the Trace attribute in any of the ASPX pages that do not show


Thanks for your reply.

No the tracing disappears on subsequent pages. If I reload the original page
the trace info is missing. I have application trace turned on in web.config.
I do not have Trace.Write statements in the subsequent pages. If I reset
everything (reset state server, clear internet cache and cookies) the
application begins tracing again.




There is a requestLimit attribute of the trace element in the web.config
file that
Specifies the number of trace requests to store on the server. The default
is 10. If the limit is reached, trace is automatically disabled.

I think you should try increasing the count and cross check it whether it
disappears after page(s) gets displayed that no of times.

Hope that helps


Thanks Tarun, that's probably it!

Tarun Upadhyaya said:

There is a requestLimit attribute of the trace element in the web.config
file that
Specifies the number of trace requests to store on the server. The default
is 10. If the limit is reached, trace is automatically disabled.

I think you should try increasing the count and cross check it whether it
disappears after page(s) gets displayed that no of times.

Hope that helps

Scott Allen

Good catch, Tarun. I could swear during the 1.0 days the request limit
was how big the "stack" of trace information was, that is it did not
disable but kept around the most recent X traces.

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