Mark Peters
I need to program a one-time application initialization event for a windows
form app, similar to what one might do in global.asa were one programming a
web app.
Our scenario is that we are using .NET remoting with a Win32 client to a
remote HTTP server. I need to invoke the remoting.config file once per user
session. Were this a web app, we would simply program Application_OnStart
as follows:
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ionPath & "\remoting.config")
End Sub
Is there an equivalent global event for Win32? Which files do I have to add
to my Win32 client project?
form app, similar to what one might do in global.asa were one programming a
web app.
Our scenario is that we are using .NET remoting with a Win32 client to a
remote HTTP server. I need to invoke the remoting.config file once per user
session. Were this a web app, we would simply program Application_OnStart
as follows:
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ionPath & "\remoting.config")
End Sub
Is there an equivalent global event for Win32? Which files do I have to add
to my Win32 client project?