Hiii Iam Developing one windows mobile application.
Where Iam Using Multiple Forms. Not The Problem is
when i render Or Invoke Multiple forms(Parent/child) It is
Showing Like a two applicatons in my windows mobile HTC HD2 TaskManager
How to Make Them Like One Even When I Invoke More Then
One form??? Can U tell The Answer Plz....
Paul G. Tobey [eMVP] wrote:
Does it have a window with a title?
Does it have a window with a title? I do not have an HTC Diamond, but
generally, task managers in Windows CE and Windows Mobile only sho
top-level window names, not "applications"
Paul T.
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Application in Task Manager
I made an application and i setup them into my HTC Diamond trough a cab
file, but when my application is running, its not appeare in windows mobile
task manager
Any sugestion
Best regards
Does it have a window with a title?
Does it have a window with a title? I do not have an HTC Diamond, but
generally, task managers in Windows CE and Windows Mobile only sho
top-level window names, not "applications"
Paul T.
Hi Armando,A bit related to your question, have a look at my latest blog post,
Hi Armando
A bit related to your question, have a look at my latest blog post, it's
written in Portuguese but I'm sure you'll understand it :
Alberto Silv
www.moving2u.pt - R&D Manage
http://msmvps.com/AlbertoSilva - Blo
Microsoft MVP - Device Application Developmen
"A.Rocha" <
[email protected]> escreveu na mensagem
Obrigado Alberto, pela dica. (Afinal falamos a mesma l?ngua...
Obrigado Alberto, pela dica. (Afinal falamos a mesma l?ngua...
J? o conhe?o de alguma sess?es que assisti suas nos TechDays
No entanto j? consegui resolver o meu problema, descobri que a minh
aplica??o s? deixava de aparecer no Task Manager quando eu a "minimizava"
mas em vez de a minimizar estava a fazer o "Hide()" da form, logo ela nunc
mais me aparecia no task manger
Agora em vez do Hide() uso o ShowWindow da propria API, desta forma tenh
sempre a minha aplica??o no Task Manager
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e
e.Cancel = true
private void MinimizeApp()
ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_MINIMIZE)
//Add notifyIco
IntPtr hIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(null), "#32512")
const int SW_MINIMIZE = 6
private static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int nCmdShow)
Best regards
Best regards
"Alberto Silva - Microsoft MVP - Device Application Development"
[email protected]> escreveu na mensagem
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