Platform: WinCE 4.2, C#
I am writing wizard based kiosk application. I have a class called Engine
which handles the creation, destruction and displaying of the wizard forms as
the user navigates through the wizard.
The void Main() method is in the Engine class (the Engine class is not a
System.Windows.Forms.Form derived class). Inside Main() I call
Application.Run(System.Windows.Forms.Form formStart). This starts the
applications message loop and displays the first wizard form.
At this point the CE device's taskbar will be displaying 1 button for my
If the user then navigates to the next screen - formNext - I would like to
be able to Dispose formStart and create formNext. I cannot do this because if
formStart is Disposed the application shuts down. So I am forced to keep
formStart around AND while I create the formNext.
At this point there will be 2 taskbar buttons - 1 for formStart and 1 for
formNext. In this way during execution my application will always have 2
taskbar buttons.
I want to have just 1 taskbar button for the application.
How can I achieve this?
I am writing wizard based kiosk application. I have a class called Engine
which handles the creation, destruction and displaying of the wizard forms as
the user navigates through the wizard.
The void Main() method is in the Engine class (the Engine class is not a
System.Windows.Forms.Form derived class). Inside Main() I call
Application.Run(System.Windows.Forms.Form formStart). This starts the
applications message loop and displays the first wizard form.
At this point the CE device's taskbar will be displaying 1 button for my
If the user then navigates to the next screen - formNext - I would like to
be able to Dispose formStart and create formNext. I cannot do this because if
formStart is Disposed the application shuts down. So I am forced to keep
formStart around AND while I create the formNext.
At this point there will be 2 taskbar buttons - 1 for formStart and 1 for
formNext. In this way during execution my application will always have 2
taskbar buttons.
I want to have just 1 taskbar button for the application.
How can I achieve this?