The code below fails to find any Excel workbooks
(Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.Count=0) when it is run
on a desktop with Windows 2000. However it works fine
when run on a WIN2K server.
I have confirmed that there are, in fact, Excel files on
the path that gets searched.
Any Ideas what is going on?
Dim FSearch As FileSearch
Set FSearch = Application.FileSearch
'** Get the path of the current database
TestPath = CurrentProject.Path
Fpath = FileSys.GetAbsolutePathName(TestPath)
'** Construct the paths for the incoming worksheets,
Filepath = Fpath & "\IncomingWorksheets\"
With FSearch
.LookIn = Filepath
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
If .Execute > 0 Then
(Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles.Count=0) when it is run
on a desktop with Windows 2000. However it works fine
when run on a WIN2K server.
I have confirmed that there are, in fact, Excel files on
the path that gets searched.
Any Ideas what is going on?
Dim FSearch As FileSearch
Set FSearch = Application.FileSearch
'** Get the path of the current database
TestPath = CurrentProject.Path
Fpath = FileSys.GetAbsolutePathName(TestPath)
'** Construct the paths for the incoming worksheets,
Filepath = Fpath & "\IncomingWorksheets\"
With FSearch
.LookIn = Filepath
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
If .Execute > 0 Then