My Question:
Is there anyway to specify an application ExitCode
overriding the one generated by a normal exit?
I've created a Windows Script that opens the MDB
application on the local machine and waits for it to
exit, storing the objects exitcode.
In my Access Application, the first action is to compare
the local mdb, to the main one on the server. If the
local version is different, I exit Access, asking the
user to update to the newest version.
I hope to pass back to the script someway means to
determine when to copy the new version of the MDB to the
local machine. Since the script object WScript.Shell RUN
gives me access to the objects EXITCODE it seems the best
way to do it.
Since Access closes without errors, the ExitCode is
always 0. I tried raising an error and exiting, but the
clean exit wipes my error replacing it with a 0.
I've been doing something like this with a "startup" MDB,
that just tests the version, copies the new one if
needed, then opens the application. But this means
starting 2 copies of access every time they open the
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Is there anyway to specify an application ExitCode
overriding the one generated by a normal exit?
I've created a Windows Script that opens the MDB
application on the local machine and waits for it to
exit, storing the objects exitcode.
In my Access Application, the first action is to compare
the local mdb, to the main one on the server. If the
local version is different, I exit Access, asking the
user to update to the newest version.
I hope to pass back to the script someway means to
determine when to copy the new version of the MDB to the
local machine. Since the script object WScript.Shell RUN
gives me access to the objects EXITCODE it seems the best
way to do it.
Since Access closes without errors, the ExitCode is
always 0. I tried raising an error and exiting, but the
clean exit wipes my error replacing it with a 0.
I've been doing something like this with a "startup" MDB,
that just tests the version, copies the new one if
needed, then opens the application. But this means
starting 2 copies of access every time they open the
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